The School

Our methodology is based on Learning, Discovering and Having Fun!

Our flexible class structure will allow you to discover our famous city, towering mountains, well known gastronomy, various museums and colonial architecture, all the while learning SpanishThis combination produces an accelerated and innovative learning experience.

Learning through experiences

We will study  grammar and then apply what we learn in a variety of settings and conversations with local people, teachers, classmates and friends. This will make your experience a complete immersion, which will boost your confidence and take your Spanish to the next level.


We have a program that is more fun and dynamic while  exposing you to the latin culture. You will have total immersion because your classes outside a traditional classroom, in the real world, thus allowing you to learn faster. Each day you will experience something new, a different environment with picturesque views of the city with  its colonial arquitecture. Your learning experience changes from the routine to something extraordinary. 


We teach absolute beginners, intermediate students and specialize in advanced speakers. 

Guanajuato spanish

Enjoy the city

We ensure an ideal environment for your learning. We have classes in the most important museums in the city, in popular and in out-of-the-way cafes, and enchanting plazas, like El Jardín de la Unión. Other interesting choices include historic terraces or art galleries or viewpoint with stunning, unforgettable, panoramic views of the city. These experiences provide the perfect environment in which to accelerate your Spanish learning. 


Our program creates travel memories which deepen the learning experience. Our expert  teachers have been  selected to enhance your conversational skills while enjoying this most exquisite part of Mexico. Your daily exposure to the culture will be fun and unforgettable.


Every Monday we welcome new students interested in learning or improving their Spanish, while getting to know every magical corner of our beloved Guanajuato. 

Different Levels

We will customize our classes to your level. We have taught students just beginning to near-native speakers.  Thus, our itinerary changes every week.  So, if your stay is longer than a week, we will offer new and fresh activities each week. 


Bring your most comfortable shoes, your sunglasses, and your appetite! We believe that our school offers not only the best courses, but also the best value for the money. Our methodology is based on learning, discovering and having fun!  We adapt ourselves to your needs to enhance your experience of total immersion.


As your studies progress, our door is always  open  to  personalize your learning experience.  

Guanajuato spanish walking

A typical day

On Monday you meet with your teacher and fellow students (six maximum) in a local Starbucks.  Other days we meet in various locations, like a café with a beautiful panoramic view of Guanajuato or of extraordinary architecture.  We´ll give you your schedule of classes and activities for the week. Every morning you will study with your teacher for 2 hours and then head out on adventures throughout the city. These excursions are designed to specifically reinforce your learning of Spanish. In this way, you will expand your vocabulary, incorporate useful phrases and expressions, all within the context of a specific activity or location. For example, a visit to a food market would follow learning relevant words and expressions. You´ll be able to ask questions of vendors and handle  transactions in pesos. Every day will offer a different activity for you, your newfound friends, and your teachers. Possible activities, still focusing on Spanish,  might include dance classes, cooking lessons, art projects, visits to museums, and neighborhood walks, all according to your level and preferences. Some afternoons we will have extracurricular activities such as concerts, language exchanges and nightlife in the city. On weekends you could visit a nearby village and continue exploring with us.


Dear students of Spanish,

Welcome to our exciting adventure in Guanajuato! We are delighted to welcome you to our school and to this beautiful city that you will soon call home.


We understand that embarking on a learning journey in a new place can be exciting and challenging at the same time. We want you to know that we are here to support you in every step of your linguistic and cultural journey.


Our mission at Guanajuato Spanish Walking is to give you the best education in Spanish possible, immersing you in the language and culture in an authentic and meaningful way. Throughout your stay here, you will have the opportunity to not only improve your Spanish skills, but also to explore the wonders that this city has to offer.


We work to empower our students  to communicate effectively in Spanish, whether in an academic, professional or personal environment. They will use their language skills to communicate globally, where the appreciation of cultural diversity is fundamental. We hope to promote  understanding and appreciation of the Hispanic culture. 

Want to learn more?

Guanajuato Spanish Walking is the most amazing way to  learn Spanish